Saturday, September 17, 2022

A Bold Move?

In the era of Facebook, Snapchat and all of the others that absorb the electronic time of millions, blogs have largely fallen by the roadside as a technology that no one wants to play with. That suits me just fine. As the blog gives its author complete control over their content, without out added violence, advertising or data collection. The blog allows for the sharing of information, the ability of the reader to respond, and others to respond to them.

No, it is not truly interactive in the manner of Facebook, but the apathy of Facebook's management towards the criminal activity that goes on daily on it's platform makes me want to distance myself further from the monster that is Meta.

As a result I am going to try to post things here in my blog instead of adding information to Meta's data set. If it works well I may be stepping away from Meta completely.

The reasons are varied and can be complicated but Meta has over the years proven that they do not give two craps about their users. That and the fact that Facebook has slowly made the environment toxic, erasing the greys that should exist in our world in favour of hard blacks and whites in issues far and wide generating enmity even between those that have been friends for decades.

While you may come across strong opinions on this page you can be sure of a few things;

1) Any deeply held opinion of this author has been researched, experimented with or from direct experience. I will never re-post false information or fake news.

2) I am always open to other opinions, other people's opinions are never wrong, they are opinions. However, facts are the bottom line. In order for me to change my opinions I require proof, not other opinions. But I will accept truths.

3) I will not debase others.

Let's give it a try, what do you say?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Opiate of the Masses?

“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” –Karl Marx (1843)

I submit that this should be read thusly: "Faith is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. But that Religion is the opium of the people."

Meaning simply that while Faith can sustain and strengthen a person against the trials of the world, Religion merely drains away that strength under the banner of Faith.

Religion provides the illusion of Faith and therefore of strength but is truly only concerned with its own propagation. The accumulation of position and power are its only goals. And that power is gained only by collecting unto it self those individuals that have not previously come to Faith. They are deluded by religion’s façade of faith and do not see the church for what it actually is, a power hungry political creature.

Thus Religion is the opiate of the people as they are both addicted and blinded to that addiction believing that only the church knows the truth. But how can it?

ALL major religions claim that they are the “true” religion, but in a room filled with 100 prophets all saying “I am the way, follow me” at least 99 of them are wrong. Yet all 100 will have followers all of which believe that their way is THE way, all the time not knowing that ALL of them are actually right.

Because it is their Faith that is the way, what ever form that faith takes and if they would only see that, then they would be free of their addiction and the veil that has kept them blinded would be lifted from them.

The leaders of these religions are no longer blinded to the addiction of religion but since they are in control they cannot shake their own addiction, that of power over others. So they to are controlled by their opiate as they exercise control over those people that are addicted to the opiate they wield.

For the Christians of the world look to your own book. Matthew 18:20 says "For wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." It says NOTHING about being in a building repeating what another person tells them to say.

Islam is more difficult because it prescribes exactly the time for prayers, exactly what those prayers are, exactly what words must be spoken in prayer and exactly who is allowed to pray. It is the ultimate expression of the Opiate as it is all controlled by those that lead. Freewill is erased in deference to the will of the addiction.

Escape the addiction and regain your faith and your life.

Friday, June 30, 2006


What if there were no hypothetical questions?